Can I just begin this post by saying that I have the best friends ever? They never fail to make every single day fun. This week, we decided to spend a little time downtown. The best decision we ever made was to park on the roof of the parking garage. The view was incredible.
While the view was great, the streets were even more beautiful. I was so happy that the Christmas lights were still up.
And this alley...definitely the prettiest one I've ever seen.
And my gorgeous friend made it even prettier ;)
Any city at night is like a dream. I'm glad I had the opportunity to see the entire city lit up from the rooftop of the parking garage.
After exploring the city a little bit, we decided to grab a bite to eat from the cutest little restaurant. I'll definitely be going back.
Breakfast for dinner was the only way to go, of course. I had the best pancakes, bacon, and scrambled eggs that I've ever had in my life. Absolutely amazing.
I am so incredibly thankful for my beautiful friends. I honestly don't know what I would do without them. I'm hoping we will go on many more adventures filled with laughter and great photographs soon!
Hope everyone had a great week. We're almost to the weekend!